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Thursday, August 27, 2015

The First One That Dies With The Most Yarn Wins!!!

Have you ever heard the old adage "The first one that dies with the most yarn wins"?

Well, I've been trying to collect lots of yarn throughout the years I've been crocheting and knitting. 
So far, I've not collected near enough...lol.  I've seen quite a few stashes of other yarn crafters and
they are tremendous.  I do have quite a stash of yarn although mine doesn't even come close to say the least.  There are literally dozens of yarn crafters out there in our universe that have established themselves in the goal of collecting the most yarn.  Whew!!  Hard to believe but so very true.

Anyway, welcome to my blog.  I'm Kaye of Kaye and Kay.  We are established crafters, that is, we've been crocheting quite a few years, 40+.  I, also, knit, sew, quilt, embroider and cross stitch.  Kay,
also, sews, quilts, and writes books and poems.  Together we would like to present to you, our
readers and potential customers, our work.

We live in the Appalachian area providing all handmade work for you.  As such, we consider
ourselves Appalachian artists. 

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